Pre-K Day 64

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Today’s Assignments: Day 64

Today in Math, you will continue learning how to count objects, and how to writing numbers from 1-10.
Numbers are fun!

Reading/Literature Pre-K
Read and Log
Read with your teacher for 30 minutes and record it in your Reading Log.

  1. Pick out a reading book
  2. Reading Log

Language Arts Pre-K
The Alphabet

Watch the video on how to write the uppercase the letter N. Practice saying the letter N sound. Use the Letter N Worksheet to practice writing the Letter N.

  1. Letter N Worksheet

Math Pre-K
Count Objects to 10

Click through the slides above and count how many how many pieces of fruit there are. Point to the number that is correct. Use the Numbers 1-10 Worksheet to practice writing numbers one to ten.

  1. Numbers 1-10 Worksheet

Visual/Performing Arts Pre-K

Color the Letter N Coloring Page.

  1. Letter N Coloring Page

Motor Skills Pre-K
Using Scissors

Make a snowman out of a toilet paper roll. Above are some examples.

Social Skills Pre-K
Practice Manners

If your parents ask you to clean your room, how you respond? Talk with your teacher about this using the best manners you can.

Log your day in the Daily Journal!