Second Grade Day 165

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Today’s Assignments: Day 165

Today in Science, you’ll discover what the layers of the Earth are made of, and how to use a dictionary.

Be sure to click “Completed” after each assignment.

Reading/Literature 2
Read full chapter in your reading book and record it in your Reading Log.

  1. Write a one-page essay with at least 3 paragraphs that explains what happened in the chapter, include details
  2. Use Lined Paper or a word processor
  3. Share completed work with your teacher
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Language Arts 2
Spelling: Write each of your spelling words in a sentence.

  1. Use Lined Paper
  2. Spelling words are at the bottom of this page
Short Story: Write a short story about what you plan to do this Summer
  1. Use Lined Story Paper and include a drawing
  2. Revise and edit your story with your teacher
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Math 2

Answer the following questions by looking at the chart above. As you can see there are names listed on the left side of the chart, and numbers shown across the bottom of the chart. The numbers show how many marbles each person has.

  1. Who has the most marbles?
  2. Who has the least marbles?
  3. How many total marbles do all of the people have?
  4. Who has more marbles than Mike, but less marbles than Ann?

Math Quiz: Take the Quiz

  1. Quiz
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History/Social Studies 2

Learn about Susan B. Anthony.

  1. Watch the video above with your teacher
  2. Tell at least 3 facts about Susan B. Anthony from the video
  3. How did Susan B. Anthony make a difference?
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Science 2

The Earth is made up of layers as shown in the picture above. It has an inner and outer core. The inner core is made of solid iron and nickel and is very hot. The outer core is made of molten iron and nickel. The mantle is made up of silicon, magnesium, iron, aluminum, and oxygen. The mantle is visible through volcanoes and lava rivers. Earth’s crust is made up of igeneous rock and small amounts of metamorphic and sedimentary rock.

  1. Use a dictionary to look up the definitions of the following words with your teacher: iron, nickel, molten, silicon, magnesium, aluminum, and oxygen
  2. Ask and answer questions about using the dictionary and each word
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Visual and Performing Arts 2

  1. Now, you try.
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Physical Education 2

  1. Standing straight, bend at the waist and touch your feet – hold for 10 seconds
  2. Standing straight, hands on waist, then touch your knees, then touch your feet, then touch your knees, repeat 10 times
  3. 10 jumping jacks
  4. Run in place for 3-5 minutes
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This Weeks Spelling Words

Tell your parent/teacher what you learned today!