Seventh Grade Day 159

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Today’s Assignments: 3rd May 2024

Today in Visual/Performing Arts, you’ll learn how to paint lively pine trees in watercolor.

Be sure to click “Completed” after each assignment.

Reading/Literature 7
Read full chapter in your reading book and record it in your Reading Log.

  1. Write a 1 page essay explaining how the chapter unfolded with at least 5 paragraphs and 5 sentences per paragraph
  2. Include how the character responded or changed as the plot changed
  3. Give completed work to your teacher
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Language Arts 7
Spelling – Sentences: Worksheet

On this day in 1881, humanitarians Clara Barton and Adolphus Solomons founded the American National Red Cross, an organization established to provide humanitarian aid to victims of wars and natural disasters.

  1. Research more about this organization including some of the humanitarian aid they have provided in recent years
  2. Create a slide presentation on what you learned, and include graphics, charts, or multimedia (videos)
  3. Share completed work with your teacher
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Math 7
Lets review – Surface Area of Cylinders, Pyramids, and Cones:

  1. Locate a cylinder and find its surface area
  2. Locate a pyramid and find its surface area
  3. Locate a cone and find its surface area
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History/Social Studies 7

The Industrial Revolution was the transition to the new manufacturing processes that occurred in the period from about 1760 to 1840. The transition included growing from hand to machine production.

  1. Research the industrial revolution’s manufacturing processes
  2. How did the Industrial Revolution impact society?
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Science 7
Mitosis – An overview, Part 1 of 2:

  1. Take notes on what you learned in the video
  2. Do more Research if you need to or use Wikipedia
  3. Explain to your teacher what Mitosis is
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Visual and Performing Arts 7
How to Paint Pine Trees in Watercolor:

  1. Now, you try it!
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Physical Education 7
Lunges: Bring one leg forward and almost kneeling on the back leg. Once the front leg creates a 90 degree angle you stand up and switch to the other leg.

Learn about Calisthenics on Wikipedia – Below are today’s exercises:

  1. First, Stretch
  2. 20 Jumping Jacks
  3. 10 Lunges on each leg
  4. 20 Sit-Ups
  5. 20 Push-Ups
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This Weeks Spelling Words

Tell your parent/teacher what you learned today!