Seventh Grade

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Today’s Assignments: 6th May 2024

Today in Language Arts, you learn about the first climbers to reach the summit of Mount Everest, the tallest point on Earth.

Be sure to click “Completed” after each assignment.

Reading/Literature 7
Read full chapter in your reading book and record it in your Reading Log.

  1. Write a 1-2 page essay on how the chapter unfolded, and how the characters reacted to the events that took place
  2. Include details and examples, and provide a conclusion with your opinions
  3. Give completed work to your teacher
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Language Arts 7
Spelling – Sentences: Worksheet

On this day, May 29, 1953, Edmund Hillary of New Zealand and Tenzing Norgay, a Sherpa of Nepal, become the first explorers to reach the summit of Mount Everest, which at over 29,000 feet above sea level is the highest point on Earth.

  1. Learn more about Scott Carpenter and Mount Everest by doing Research
  2. Create a slide presentation on this event, include images, details, and facts
  3. Share completed work to your teacher
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Math 7 (Pre Algebra)
Review: Volume of a Sphere:

  1. Find the volume of the sphere above
  2. What is the volume of a sphere with a diameter of 16?
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History/Social Studies 7

You’ve learned a lot this year in history: Medieval and Early Modern Times, the collapse of the Roman Empire, the Renaissance period, the Reformation period, the Scientific Revolution (Age of Reason), and the Industrial Revolution.

  1. Pick from one of the topics you learned about this year
  2. You will spend the next two weeks putting together either a Slide or Video presentation (your choice) and a written report on the topic
  3. Use the Research Center to gather information
  4. Include images, multimedia, charts, tables, etc. in your work
  5. Your project should be very thorough and be completed by June 5th
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Science 7
Structure of the Skin:

  1. Take notes while watching the video
  2. Write a summary explaining the structure and parts of the skin
  3. Share completed work with your teacher
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Visual and Performing Arts 7
How to draw a rose:

  1. Now, you try
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Physical Education 4
Sit-Ups: The sit-up begins with lying on your back on the floor, typically with the arms across the chest or hands behind the head and the knees bent, and then lifting your upper back and head toward the knees.

Learn about Calisthenics on Wikipedia – Below are today’s exercises:

  1. First, Stretch
  2. 20 Jumping Jacks
  3. 10 Lunges on each leg
  4. 20 Sit-Ups
  5. 20 Push-Ups
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This Weeks Spelling Words

Tell your parent/teacher what you learned today!