Eleventh Grade Day 1

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Today’s Assignments: Day 1

Today in History/Social Studies you will begin learning about the philosophy behind the Declaration of Independence.

Be sure to click “Completed” after each assignment.

Reading/Literature 11
Read and Log
Read for 30 minutes, then discuss with your teacher. Record it in your Reading Log.

  1. Pick out a reading book
  2. Reading Log
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Language Arts 11
Argumentative Essay

Use a word processor to write an argumentative essay about an event you read in Reading/Literature today. Introduce the topic, state your claims with clear reason, use the Research Center to find information from credible sources to support your claims, and a concluding statement that supports your argument. Maintain a formal writing style.

  1. Research Center

Spelling Vocab: Your spelling words are always located at the bottom of this page. Look up each word in the dictionary and write the definition using the Digital Worksheet.

  1. Digital Worksheet
  2. Dictionary
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Math 11
Statistics and Probability

Study the tables and charts above. These types of charts are called Histograms. Create a bar chart and a line chart from the data in the table on the last slide using Grid Paper. Learn more about Histograms below.

  1. Math is fun: Histograms
  2. How to make a Histogram Bar Chart.
  3. Histogram
  4. Grid Paper
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History/Social Studies 11
Philosophy Described in the Declaration of Independence

Take notes while watching the video about the Philosphy behind the Declaration of Independence. Use the Research Center to gather more information.

  1. The Declaration of Independence and Philosophy of John Locke
  2. U.S. Declaration of Independence: Two Great Thinkers
  3. United States Founding Fathers
  4. United States Declaration of Independence
  5. Research Center
  6. Lined Paper
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Science 11
Cell Biology

Take notes while watching the video and discuss with your teacher. Use the Research Center to investigate further.

  1. Cell Biology Intro
  2. Cells are the Starting Point
  3. Britannica: Cell Biology
  4. What is Cell Biology?
  5. Overview of Cell Biology
  6. Cell (Biology)
  7. Research Center
  8. Lined Paper
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Visual and Performing Arts 11

This painting by John Trumbull depicts the moment on June 28, 1776, when the first draft of the Declaration of Independence was presented to the Second Continental Congress. Take notes while reading about Trumbull’s Declaration of Independence. Use the Research Center to learn more.

  1. Trumbull’s Declaration of Independence
  2. Research Center
  3. Lined Paper
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Physical Education 11
Do the following exercises and record them in your P.E. Log. First stretch. Then do a minimum of 20 jumping jacks, 5 lunges on each leg, 10 sit ups, and 10 push ups.

  1. P.E. Log
  2. Calisthenics
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This Weeks Spelling Words

Tell your parent/teacher what you learned today!