Extra Curriculum Day 104

Spanish 1
Conversational Spanish

Continue conversational Spanish. Read the next level of Spanish Conversation with Greetings. Click to hear the audio of the conversation. Practice saying the conversation out loud. Write each phrase in Spanish using pencil and Lined Paper. Use the Spanish Dictionary to translate your own conversational phases and continue studying.

  1. Spanish Conversation with Greetings
  2. Spanish Dictionary
  3. Lined Paper
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HTML Coding
HTML Design

Continue creating and gathering all of the images and text (or copy) for your website based on the storyboard and mockup you’ve already put together. Create a folder on your computer for all of your website files called “mywebsite” and save all of the images to this folder. For each page and section of your website, write the text or copy you plan to use so you have it available when you begin coding your website. Read Introduction to Writing Copy for the Web to assist you.

  1. Introduction to Writing Copy for the Web
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Healthy Living
Good and Bad Beverages

Read The 20 Worst Drinks in America Part One to learn more about beverage brands that are marketed as healthy but, in fact, are not. Use the Research Center to investigate more.

  1. The 20 Worst Drinks in America Part One
  2. Research Center
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