Extra Curriculum Day 127

Spanish 1
Conversational Spanish

Review Days 97 to 125 for the test at the end of the week on Conversational Spanish.

  1. Past Assignments
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HTML Coding
Web Development Software and Tools

Pixlr is a great, free, web-based application for creating website images and editing photographs. It is basically a web version similar to Photoshop (which is expensive). Learn more about Pixlr. Use Pixlr to create some test images to experience how it works.

  1. Pixlr Editor
  2. Pixlr
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Healthy Living
Home Remedies

Inhaling steam or placing a warm-to-to hot water wash rag over your nose can help to ease congestion and a stuffy nose. You can also hold your head over a pot of boiling water and breathe slowly through your nose, being careful not to let the steam burn your nose. Or, taking a hot, steam shower is also effective. Read Steaming for Sinus Congestion to learn more. Use the Research Center to investigate further.

  1. Steaming for Sinus Congestion
  2. Research Center
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