First Grade Day 24

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Today’s Assignments: Day 24

Today in History/Social Studies, you will continue to learn about being a good citizen.

Be sure to click “Completed” after each assignment.

Reading/Literature 1
Read and Log
Read with your teacher for 30 minutes and discuss. Record it in your Reading Log.

  1. Pick out a reading book
  2. Reading Log
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Language Arts 1
English Grammar

Creative Writing Use Lined Story Paper to write about anything you like, and draw a picture to go with your writing.

  1. Lined Paper

Spelling Quiz: Take the Quiz.

  1. Quiz
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Math 1
Addition and Subtraction

Watch the video about solving addition and subtraction word problems. Do the word problems below using grid paper.

  1. Jane has 10 apples. Mary has 7 apples. How many apples do they have all together?
  2. Tom has eight apples. Sue has four apples. How many apples do they have all together?
  3. Mike has 2 fewer dogs than Jack. Jack has 5 dogs. How many dogs does Mike have?
  4. Susan has 6 cupcakes. Alice has 10 cupcakes. How many more cupcakes does Alice have?
  5. Mike has 11 nickels and Jason has 17 nickels. How many more nickels does Jason have than Mike?
  6. Jane has 12 nickels and Susan as 22 nickels. How many more nickels does Susan have than Jane?
  7. Sue has 8 nickels and Jim has 16 nickels. How many more nickels does Jim have than Sue?
  8. Tom has 9 nickels and John has 14 nickels. How many more nickels does Tom have than John?
  9. Grid Paper
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History/Social Studies 1
Rights and Responsibilities of Citizenship

Watch the video about citizenship and discuss with your teacher. Used Lined Paper to write 2-3 sentences about what you learned.

  1. Lined Paper
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Science 1
Materials can be Solids, Liquids, and Gases

Watch the video about the state of Matter. Discuss with your teacher. Use Lined Story Paper to write a sentence and draw a picture or use the Investigative Worksheet.

  1. Ducksters: Melting and Boiling
  2. Condensation Facts for Kids
  3. Evaporation Facts for Kids
  4. Melting Point for Kids
  5. Ice Facts for Kids
  6. Lined Story Paper
  7. Investigative Worksheet
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Visual and Performing Arts 1

Draw a frog on paper and color it in.
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Physical Education 1
Do the following exercises and record them in your P.E. Log. First stretch. Then do a minimum of 10 jumping jacks, 5 lunges on each leg, 10 sit ups, and 10 push ups.

  1. P.E. Log
  2. Calisthenics
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This Weeks Spelling Words


Tell your parent/teacher what you learned today!