What I Learned Today Report Page


What I Learned Today Name


What I Learned Today Date


What I Learned Today Reading

When reading Treasure Island I learned that knowledge is the key to success.

What I Learned Today Language Arts

Language Arts
I created a small writing piece on a character’s reaction to an event in the story and how his knowledge saved the others from ignorance.

What I Learned Today Math

I continued working on and learning about complex numbers.

What I Learned Today History

History/Social Studies
I learned about how Geologists and geophysicists have led the exploration for fossil fuels coal, oil, natural gas, and geothermal energy in recent years.

What I Learned Today Science

I learned about the speed of light which is speed at which light waves travel through different materials. The value of the speed of light in a vacuum exactly 299,792,458 meters per second.

What I Learned Today Art

Visual/Performing Arts
I learned about Frank Lloyd Wright who was one of the greatest architectural pioneer of the 20th century .

What I Learned Today PE

Physical Education
I carried bag to and from the Landry to test my strength, work my muscles and lose calories.

What I Learned Today EC

Extra Curriculum