What I Learned Today Report Page


What I Learned Today Name


What I Learned Today Date


What I Learned Today Reading

I learned that there is always a penalty for bad actions and the bad or wrong you did to others will always come back to you.

What I Learned Today Language Arts

Language Arts
I created a writing response on characters reactions to events in the story and how all the wrong that they did came back to them and taught them a lesson.

What I Learned Today Math

I learned about multiplying matrices. An array of numbers is called a matrix and matrices can be multiplied by a constant called a scaler.

What I Learned Today History

History/Social Studies
I learned about Fiji art. Fiji art is an important part of Fiji ethnicity and heritage. Fiji is known for its traditional art forms. The art includes masi, mats, pottery, weaving, wood carvings, architecture and body art.

What I Learned Today Science

I reviewed previous lessons on the conservation of energy , physics and momentum to study for a quiz on Friday.

What I Learned Today Art

Visual/Performing Arts
I took a virtual tour of the Fiji museum to learn about the cultural objects Fiji's indigenous inhabitants, and history.

What I Learned Today PE

Physical Education
I ran the stairs to test my speed, pace, and strength. This allowed me to exercise, train, and developed skill, all at the same time.

What I Learned Today EC

Extra Curriculum
I learned about the Acerola cherry's. Acerola cherries is a small bush or a tree found in the tropical regions, known for having rich vitamin C. These cherries can reduce the risk of memory loss and inflammation in the brain.