STEM & Maker Activity 15

Build an Aqueduct
Supplies, instructions, resources, and worksheets are below!

Project Description
Aqueducts are engineering structures since ancient times used to move water to parts of civilization where it is scarce. The Romans constructed aqueducts throughout their Republic and later Empire, to bring water from outside sources into cities and towns. In this project, you design and construct an aqueduct.

Activity Time
1-2 days
Adult supervision when using water

Supplies Recommended
Large piece of cardboard
Duct tape
Large piece of thin, plastic covering
1-2 plastic liter bottles filled with water
Bucket, plastic bowl, or aquarium (to catch the water)
Things such as books, chairs, and tables that your aqueduct will be built through.
A towel (in case you spill the water)
A safe place to build the aqueduct such as the kitchen floor or garage
Investigative Worksheet

Learning Objectives
Understand how aqueducts were used in ancient times
Learn building and engineering design principles
Understand how slope effects water flow

Vocabulary Terms to Understand
Look up each word and write their definition on paper.
aqueduct bridge
treatment plant

Instructional Video

1. Print the Investigative Worksheet.
2. Research Roman aqueducts and their architecture.
3. Watch the Instructional Video above and review the Resources links below.
3. Create a design plan on the back of the Investigative Worksheet.
4. Build your aqueduct and place the bucket/aquarium at the end of it (to catch the water).
5. Try out your aqueduct by slowly pouring the water from the liter bottle into the starting point for your aqueduct.

How does the slope or gradient effect the water flow?
How would you design your aqueduct differently to improve it?
What are other ways water is distributed to cities and houses?

More Resources
Construct an Aqueduct
Build a Totally Awesome Roman Aqueduct
Ancient Roman Aqueducts
Roman Aqueducts
Gradient or fall of an Aqueduct
How a Roman Aqueduct Works
Central Arizona Project
World’s Largest Aqueducts
Britannica: Aqueduct Engineering
History of Water Supply and Sanitation
Aqueduct Bridge