Fifth Grade Day 46

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Today’s Assignments: Day 46

Today in History/Social Studies, learn more about Christopher Columbus and his Early Exploration of the Americas.

Be sure to click “Completed” after each assignment.

Reading/Literature 5
Read and Log
Read for 30 minutes. Record it in your Reading Log.

  1. Pick out a reading book
  2. Reading Log
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Language Arts 5
English Grammar

Narrative Essay: Use a word processor to write an essay describing a characters reaction to events from what you read in Reading/Literature today. Introduce the author or character as the narrator and use reasons and evidence to support their reactions. Include quotations and examples from your reading book. With help from your teacher, plan, edit, and revise your work.

  1. Research Center

Spelling Alphabetical Order: Put each spelling word in alphabetical order using the Digital Worksheet.

  1. Digital Worksheet
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Math 5

Follow along with the video to learn more about dividing of fractions and reciprocals. Do the following problems using Grid Paper.

  1. 3/4 ÷ 1/4
  2. 5/6 ÷ 1/2
  3. 7/8 ÷ 1/3
  4. 1/4 ÷ 1/5
  5. 3/8 ÷ 1/2
  6. 3/5 ÷ 1/7
  7. 14/15 ÷ 2/9
  8. 7/8 ÷ 5/6
  9. 3/4 ÷ 9/10
  10. Grid Paper
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History/Social Studies 5
Early Exploration of the Americas

Take notes while watching the video and reading on the Background of Christopher Columbus’ voyages and Navigation Plans to the Americas. Use the Research Center to learn more.

  1. Christopher Columbus Intro
  2. Britannica: Christopher Columbus
  3. The Voyages of Christopher Columbus (challenging)
  4. Christopher Columbus Facts for Kids
  5. Christopher Columbus Facts
  6. Research Center
  7. Lined Paper
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Science 5
Plant and Animal Anatomy Structures

Take notes while reading about the anatomy of a cat. Use the Research Center to learn more.

  1. Detailed Cat Anatomy
  2. Cat Facts for Kids
  3. 5 Cat Anatomy Facts
  4. Cat Anatomy
  5. Research Center
  6. Lined Paper
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Visual and Performing Arts 5

How to make a glossy button using GIMP. Give it a try!

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Physical Education 5
Do the following exercises and record them in your P.E. Log. First stretch. Then do a minimum of 20 jumping jacks, 5 lunges on each leg, 10 sit ups, and 10 push ups.

  1. P.E. Log
  2. Calisthenics
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This Weeks Spelling Words

Tell your parent/teacher what you learned today!